LEVEL: Advanced
Match the verbs with the right definition:
1) Saw
2) Cut out
3) Whittle
4) Slice
5) Split
6) Prune
7) Carve
8) Peel
9) Trim
10) Mow
11) Chop
A) Cut into thin, flat pieces.
B) 1.Take the skin off fruits, vegetables; / 2. (of a covering or surface) to come off in strips or small pieces.
C) Cut away parts of trees, bushes, etc. to control growth or shape
D) 1. Cut solid material (e.g. wood, stone) in order to form something / 2. inscribe on a surface; 3. Cut up cooked meat into slices or pieces for the table.
E) 1. Make something by cutting (its shape); / 2. (colloq.) omit: let's ... the details; / 3. (colloq.) quit: I must ... cigarettes.
F) Reduce the size of a thing by cutting away pieces.
G) Cut something with a saw.
H) 1. Cut in / into two or more pieces (usually along a line of natural division); / 2. To ? something open = to break open by bursting; / 3. Divide.
I) Make sth neat by cutting away unwanted parts
J) Cut into pieces by blows with an axe, etc.
K) Cut grass with a scythe or lawn mower
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